kidz connect

Kidz Connect at OEPC offers classes for children each Sunday and on the third Thursday of the month. Find out more about Kidz Connect Sundays and Kidz Connect Thursdays below! 

Kidz Connect Sundays

sundays at 8:45 AM

For kids in K-12th Grade

Check children in upon arrival in the Church Road narthex next to Fellowship Hall. From here all children will meet together in S3 for 15 minutes of worship. 

Class Breakdowns and Locations: 


Kidz Connect - Sprouts
For children K-5th Grades in Room S4
Drop off & pick up in the Church Rd Narthex


Youth Connect - Jr & Sr High
For 6th-12th Grades in Room 202


kIDZ cONNECT Thursday

3rd thursday at 4:30 PM

Meets once-a-month on the 3rd Thursday from 4:30-6:00 PM during the school year. For potty-trained toddlers through 3rd Grade! Kids get to sing, dance, play, craft, and have dinner! Parents, while you are welcome to drop off and pick up, we’d like to offer something for you! We’ll have a space for you to take a breath and enjoy coffee and refreshments.

Register Your Child