Thank you to all who participated in the OEPC Reads! summer reading challenge for Kidz and adults. Despite some limitations to library access this summer, many children were able to choose several church library books to read or be read to by parents. Thank you to parents for your support.

Please feel welcome to revisit the church library and check out more books.

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To look up an author, title, subject, or keyword in the online library catalog use this link:


When prompted for library name, input: oepc

No password required

No logout necessary


You are welcome to stop in to the church library any time after Worship or during office hours during the week. The shelves are marked with labels to help identify topics.


Checkout is self-service-- by signing your name and date to the card in the book and leaving the card in the library. For reference and circulation services, a library team member is in the library on Thursdays from 10:30 AM -12:00 PM, and at other times as scheduled. 


Library materials are loaned for one month at a time and may be renewed.

Returns may be taken back to the library and placed in the plastic cabinet drawer marked for returns.